Mod_cfml 1.1 is out – furiously fast, bugs smashed, and new features!

Logo Mod_cfmlMod_cfml is software which shares webserver configuration with Tomcat, eliminating the need to configure hosts (or websites) in Tomcat.
I am very proud to say that I had a major role in the current new release. I rewrote the Apache httpd component in native C, added new features, fixed bugs, and generally improved speed by a factor 5 to 10. That's at the moment when it's actually used by the way; on the first hit of a website after the server started up.

The Tomcat part is much improved:


  • Speed: creating a new host context now takes 1 second at most (5 – 10 times faster then before), because jar scanning is now disabled by default.
  • Speed: “waiting for context files”, the slow part of previous mod_cfml, is gone.
  • Speed and memory footprint: only one Tomcat Host container is created per Apache/IIS virtualhost. All aliases / default site hosts / IP-based hosts, are now added as aliases. Which takes about 200 milliseconds.
  • Thread safety bugs fixed

Apache connector improvements:

  • The Apache 2.4 connector is rewritten in C. No more need to install Perl, just compile or drop in the file, and add a few lines of config!
  • Full support for path_info. Previously, URLs like /some/page.cfm/id/123 would not work in Tomcat. With mod_cfml 1.1, now they do! Thanks to a great idea which was already implemented in the BonCode connector.
  • Security: a shared secret key implementation is added, to prevent unauthorized context creation.
  • Virtual directories, or “Aliases” in Apache, are now by default sent from Apache to Lucee, for the current request.

IIS connector:

The updated Documentation and Installation instructions can be found at


So… what are you waiting for? Install! Upgrade! And have fun with CFML!


p.s. if you're interested, the source code can be found at

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Railo is dead; long live Lucee!

Lucee logoBig news came from the Railo front the 29th of January: Railo is abandoned by it's founders, and the same code project will now live on as Lucee. The underlying code remains the same, but the name changes, as does the organizational type. The new site is

The commercial company The Railo Company became the copyright owner of Railo a few years ago, after investments done by some companies. Now it apparently lead to not much good. Even so bad, that the founders decided to "fork" (=~ copy) the project, and continue under a new name.

But, I have full confidence in the strength and continuous growth of Lucee, as the founders an community is samrt and strong. I hope we will all adjust to a new cool name, and say cheers to this new path for CFML!

Railo is dead; Long live Lucee!

P.s. My daughter's name is Luce, that's near-identical :-D


CFUG-NL meeting with Gert Franz and Bilal Soylu - 2 top-notch speakers in one evening!

My day couldn't be better... First thanks to Bilal Soylu, who told me a while back he would be kind-of-nearby The Netherlands in May 2014, and he was willing to do one of his always-awesome presentations! Bam, new CFUG-NL meeting planned for may 28, 2014.

And today I am chatting with Gert Franz, and the word CFUG drops. "I should come around once to do a presentation", Gert said. "You wouldn't happen to be in the vicinity around the 28th?" I replied. And bada-bing bada-boom, now we've got a super-awesome dual presentation evening!

If you're in The Netherlands may 28, 2014, then do come and check this evening out!

Notice in Dutch on, "Surprise!" :

Surprise! Gert Franz, CEO en boegbeeld van Railo, komt óók een presentatie geven! Dit wordt een avond om niet snel te vergeten, met 2 topsprekers op 1 avond!
Gert's presentatie Railo 5.0 and beyond kreeg vele lovende kritieken tijdens CF.Objective 2014, "it's just wow!". Dit is jouw kans om het zelf mee te maken!

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Phonegap: detecting correct connection type on iOS 7.1 iPad

I just spent 2 hours debugging a Phonegap iPad app. The app downloads a library of images and videos to localStorage, but only if the device is currently on WiFi. The iPads do have a cellular 4G connection as well, but the data transfer would be too costly, the client said.

In all tests the files downloaded fine, and all was good. Untill a few days back: now the app constantly shows my custom msg "downloading files (waiting for WIFI)". It turned out the iPads were updated to a newer iOS version. While debugging, the network.connection.type now always returned "cellular", even when cellular was disabled on the iPad.

Solution? Turned out to be simple: overwrite the old CDVReachability.m and .h files (version 2.2) with the latest ones, version 3.5. You'll need to rename references in the 2 files from "Reachability" to "CDVReachability".
Or... just download these 2 files here, and add them to:

/platforms/ios/{app name}/Plugins/

Hope it helps you out, I will try to add a pull request as well.

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Coldfusion Usergroup NL meeting with Bilal Soylu - May 28 2014

I am part of the organizing commitee for the Dutch CFUG, and we finally got a new meeting! The 28th of may 2014, we will be honored to have Bilal Soylu present on Style, Standards, Sanity. You can read all about it at!

Come to Utrecht and join us in a great evening full of CFML :-D

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