CFUG-NL meeting with Gert Franz and Bilal Soylu - 2 top-notch speakers in one evening!

My day couldn't be better... First thanks to Bilal Soylu, who told me a while back he would be kind-of-nearby The Netherlands in May 2014, and he was willing to do one of his always-awesome presentations! Bam, new CFUG-NL meeting planned for may 28, 2014.

And today I am chatting with Gert Franz, and the word CFUG drops. "I should come around once to do a presentation", Gert said. "You wouldn't happen to be in the vicinity around the 28th?" I replied. And bada-bing bada-boom, now we've got a super-awesome dual presentation evening!

If you're in The Netherlands may 28, 2014, then do come and check this evening out!

Notice in Dutch on, "Surprise!" :

Surprise! Gert Franz, CEO en boegbeeld van Railo, komt óók een presentatie geven! Dit wordt een avond om niet snel te vergeten, met 2 topsprekers op 1 avond!
Gert's presentatie Railo 5.0 and beyond kreeg vele lovende kritieken tijdens CF.Objective 2014, "it's just wow!". Dit is jouw kans om het zelf mee te maken! Digg StumbleUpon Facebook Technorati Fav reddit Google Bookmarks
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