Entries Tagged as "Other stuff..."

Beginners, or Why the web is so hackable

Image of conversation on Stack Overflow

Nooooo, off course users can't change hidden values ;-)

From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1857032/jquery-ajax-post-not-working#link-post-1857032

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Binary mod_jk.so file for mac OSX 10.6 (i386, Apache2.2, 64-bit, snow leopard)

I am not a linux wizard, absolutely not. I never want to be as well, because I think "smart people use easy tools". And all this make/configure/apt-get linux stuff is just soooo 1950. No need to leave comments if you disagree here; I know some people love this console stuff.

But anyway, I needed the Apache-to-Tomcat mod_jk module, so I could get my Railo install to work. I always used Resin + Apache, but the Railo default installation now uses Tomcat, so I wanted to make that switch as well.

It looked very simple to install mod_jk, but since there were no binary (compiled) releases of the module for mac OSX 10.6, it became a hell. Now, after some 7 hours of irritation, here it is: mod_jk.so.
I don't know if it will work on your mac as well, but I hope so for you...

Download mod_jk.so for mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard


Getting tomcat to work on Mac; permission problems

I downloaded and unzipped tomcat 6.0 on my Macbook to the directory /Applications/tomcat/, and tried to run bin/startup.sh. It said it couldn't find "catalina.sh", which is in the same directory. So I did a chmod on catalina.sh:

> sudo chmod 666 /Applications/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh

Then it had a new complaint:

> sh /Applications/tomcat/bin/startup.sh
   The BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly
   This environment variable is needed to run this program

Turned out I needed to give appropriate rights to the tomcat dir. I did it a bit rude, by just giving full access:

> sudo chmod 777 /Applications/tomcat/*

Now it worked like it should. Yippie!
I guess it had to do with the fact that the zip file was downloaded. Mac always asks if I really want to open a downloaded file, so it must have some security restrictions. Anyways, it works, and hope it helps you too :-)

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Mark Drew posted this on the Railo mailing list, and I just needed to share this:


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Struggling around with / testing CF builder

Since I have just been to both Scotch on the Rocks and the latest CFUGNL meeting, I have heard a lot about the greatness of CF builder.
Raymond Camden spoke about CF Builder extensions, Terry Ryan talked about it, and, well, there was no reason not to try it again.
So I tried to install, and wrote down some random ramblings...

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