Binary file for mac OSX 10.6 (i386, Apache2.2, 64-bit, snow leopard)

I am not a linux wizard, absolutely not. I never want to be as well, because I think "smart people use easy tools". And all this make/configure/apt-get linux stuff is just soooo 1950. No need to leave comments if you disagree here; I know some people love this console stuff.

But anyway, I needed the Apache-to-Tomcat mod_jk module, so I could get my Railo install to work. I always used Resin + Apache, but the Railo default installation now uses Tomcat, so I wanted to make that switch as well.

It looked very simple to install mod_jk, but since there were no binary (compiled) releases of the module for mac OSX 10.6, it became a hell. Now, after some 7 hours of irritation, here it is:
I don't know if it will work on your mac as well, but I hope so for you...

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  1. Tom Haines

    #1 by Tom Haines - December 28, 2010 at 4:26 AM

    Hi Paul
    Thanks for posting this - I'm having similar problems. The link to the binary redirects to a 404 message. Any chance you could put this up again for download?
  2. Paul Klinkenberg

    #2 by Paul Klinkenberg - December 29, 2010 at 11:25 AM

    Hi Tom, now this is a shame! The upload tool in my blog software appears to have not actually uploaded the file! To make matters worse, I just reformatted and reinstalled my mac last week, after backing up _almost_ everything... I'm sorry man, I will remove this blog post in a few days, if I can't find the file :-/

  3. Paul Klinkenberg

    #3 by Paul Klinkenberg - December 29, 2010 at 6:01 PM

    Hi Tom, I recompiled the file, so it is up for download again :-)
    Cheers, Paul
  4. Thomas Haines

    #4 by Thomas Haines - December 30, 2010 at 9:05 AM

    @Paul Klinkenberg great stuff, thanks Paul.
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